Labour Supply and Management Services


Labour Supply and Management Services

We save you time and effort in managing short-term hire or day-hire employees for factories and construction sites.

Our services ensure:

✅ Sound management of time and attendance

✅ Proper records on hours worked and overtime

✅ Compliance with local laws and regulations

Our comprehensive Labour Management Services include recruitment, onboarding, HR administration, payroll, records management, and staff separation. As the largest labour outsourcing company in Africa, we have a reputation for excellence, utilizing cutting-edge technology to serve you better.

With offices in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, South Africa, and South Sudan, we can handle your staffing needs across nine African countries.

Contact us today to discuss your labour and staff outsourcing needs!

#LabourSupply #StaffManagement #HRServices #Outsourcing #Africa #PEO #WorkforceSolutions

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