Rwanda Labour Laws

  1. Rwanda Labour law highlights

  2. Employee Leave

    1. Normal/Annual Leave in Rwanda

      1. Number of days:
      2. Leave allowance.
      3. Compensation during leave:
    2. Sick leave in Rwanda

      1. Duration.
      2. Procedure for getting sick leave.
      3. Compensation during sick leave.
    3. Maternity leave in Rwanda

      1. Duration

      2. Compensation during leave

    4. Paternity leave in Rwanda

  3. Public Holidays in Rwanda

    1. Official public holidays

    2. Compensation on public holidays

  4. Working hours and overtime in Rwanda

    1. Working hours

    2. Overtime

    3. Compensation for overtime

  5. Training and skills development in Rwanda

    1. Key highlights

    2. Funding training and skills development

  6. Remuneration

    1. Minimum wage in Rwanda

    2. Other regulations on income in Rwanda

    3. Statutory Benefits in Rwanda

      1. Social Security/Pension
      2. Medical
  7. Harassment at the Work Place under Rwanda Law

    1. Discrimination

    2. Sexual Harassment

  8. Lay off/Redundancy

    1. Lay off/Redundancy law highlights in Rwanda

      1. Termination
      2. Notice of termination
    2. Criteria for Layoff/Redundancy in Rwanda

    3. Procedure for layoff redundancy/layoff Rwanda

    4. Terminal pay in Rwanda

  9. Health and Safety

    1. Health and Safety Law in Rwanda

    2. Death and Disability Compensation in Rwanda

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